Wednesday, May 18, 2011

no time like the past? go wash your hands

   Good morning to you all, or whatever time it may be for you. Just waking for breakfast here in Dallas Texas. 500 crunches down along with a cup of the blackest coffee i've ever tried. Pretty sure I just grew my 4th chest hair. Praying the client doesn't make me shave it off.
   Heading to location here in 20 minutes, so thought I'd shoot a post out to all of my 19 friends on here.
   To prepare myself for my trip to Dallas I decided there was nothing I could do more Texas than record the best country song of all time. Rodeo by Garth Brooks. Now, i'm by no means claiming i do the song justice, as i'm no vocalist, but i recon i sure had fun singing it outside of an intoxicated state of karaoke.
   You can check it out here on my  country band's new Myspace. We're called the Joel Sappington Band. And by we i mean it's just me and the little mic on my Macbook :)
In other news, Breakfast has arrived. Sure glad i'm not a female model.

On that note, I leave you with my new Slap band watch. I'm quite fond of it.