Tuesday, December 6, 2011


so much progress on the bike today but just a side note, i performed a scene from Brokeback mt. In class tonight and wanted to share how significant the gay community has been in my life thus far. Without your support, my life wouldn't be anywhere near where it is today. You guys have helped create so much opportunity that i don't deserve but am beyond grateful for. Bless anybody and everybody who has supported me throughout my journey. 
Jason Kanner and Matthew Holloway especially deserve high fives. I actually believe they might be angels

Back to the bike:
  The last two days have been awesome. Sandblasted the tank and rear fender, primed them and painted them matte black. looks like a tank ready to bomb somebody. 
  After that, I did my best to narrow down all the useless police junk wires. There were hundreds of them. 
  Once i got rid of the colorful arrangement of wires under the seat, i got rid of the air box and went with cone filters. 

Left to be done:
 Leaf spring seat
 Crank case filter
 Grind off all the fairing attachments on the frame.
 New exhaust.
 I also am considering a new color. maybe matte army green. idk. 

Saturday, December 3, 2011

no 9-5 but where's all my down time

   I'm not back, as i was never an avid poster, but i am going to try my best to remember to yell at you guys more often.
   Thought i'd keep you guys posted with all that i do on my free time with more than 140 characters.
    Here's what you've missed,
- I'm restoring a 1967 BMW 1602
- I'm unbuilding a 1992 KZ1000 motorcycle into a siiiick soft tail bobber.
- I Mt. Bike every weekend and try my best to road when i can.
- Acting classes (I study with Aaron Speiser currently)
- I'm writing a novel
- And when none of that is happening, I'm probably surfing.

Here's what the bike has gotten so far;

picked up a 92 kz1000 police bike for a few bucks

From there it's been a process of removing everything police related. Sold all that for almost what i paid for the bike. Who knew it had value :)
Then in with the hack saw and out with a foot of frame after the solo seat. After that I shortened the crap out of the rear fender. Almost looks like a fin now. I dig it.

Next to go was the instrument cluster. It's more intricate than my car's.
Then it was time to give grandma back her bicycle handlebars. I went with clubmans and i love how they turned out. Switched to end mirrors as well.
The rear shocks i replaced with 11" Harley Huggers which lowered the bike 3 inches.
I was also going to replace the exhaust because it sounds like a sewing machine and looked awkward but now, with the drop, they're practically on the ground and i have come to almost like they way they look.
Next i need to figure that seat out. Right now it just screams "I like my women thick."  but here's what we got so far.

Tonight I finished "Sandblasting" the tank and rear fenders and primed them. They're going to be matte black. like a tank. I also still neet to reshape the front fender. That guy is absolutely ridiculous.
As far as the seat, I think i'm going to mock up a leaf spring seat. Looks like it will be pretty easy.

Well, that's all for now folks. I'll keep you posted with it as i go.