Yesterday I ventured down to the beach to meet up with some friends but forgot my cell in the truck. Realizing i had already walked too far to go back (i'm lazy like that) i began trying to look for them around the certain lifeguard tower they said they'd be at. Them being nowhere in sight I spent the next 20 minutes soaking my feet in the Ocean in the event they went to grab food real quick. They never came back so i walked back to my truck to a text telling me that they decided to set camp two lifeguard towers north...
I'm actually boggled by the thought of people not having cell phones. Much respect for you old folk out there.
Perhaps this thought is one to lead me on a mission trip to a place less fortunate. I'm afraid I'm beginning take all these suhweet luxuries for granted.
Prayer request;
My friend Geoff is in the hospital with acute pancreatitis. Being newly married, let's pray for both that he would be healed and that his wife would be comforted. Send him love on Twitter @GeoffTalbot
I wish Geoff is safe and that he gets well soon and I wish his wife is strong physically and mentally.