Tuesday, December 6, 2011


so much progress on the bike today but just a side note, i performed a scene from Brokeback mt. In class tonight and wanted to share how significant the gay community has been in my life thus far. Without your support, my life wouldn't be anywhere near where it is today. You guys have helped create so much opportunity that i don't deserve but am beyond grateful for. Bless anybody and everybody who has supported me throughout my journey. 
Jason Kanner and Matthew Holloway especially deserve high fives. I actually believe they might be angels

Back to the bike:
  The last two days have been awesome. Sandblasted the tank and rear fender, primed them and painted them matte black. looks like a tank ready to bomb somebody. 
  After that, I did my best to narrow down all the useless police junk wires. There were hundreds of them. 
  Once i got rid of the colorful arrangement of wires under the seat, i got rid of the air box and went with cone filters. 

Left to be done:
 Leaf spring seat
 Crank case filter
 Grind off all the fairing attachments on the frame.
 New exhaust.
 I also am considering a new color. maybe matte army green. idk. 

Saturday, December 3, 2011

no 9-5 but where's all my down time

   I'm not back, as i was never an avid poster, but i am going to try my best to remember to yell at you guys more often.
   Thought i'd keep you guys posted with all that i do on my free time with more than 140 characters.
    Here's what you've missed,
- I'm restoring a 1967 BMW 1602
- I'm unbuilding a 1992 KZ1000 motorcycle into a siiiick soft tail bobber.
- I Mt. Bike every weekend and try my best to road when i can.
- Acting classes (I study with Aaron Speiser currently)
- I'm writing a novel
- And when none of that is happening, I'm probably surfing.

Here's what the bike has gotten so far;

picked up a 92 kz1000 police bike for a few bucks

From there it's been a process of removing everything police related. Sold all that for almost what i paid for the bike. Who knew it had value :)
Then in with the hack saw and out with a foot of frame after the solo seat. After that I shortened the crap out of the rear fender. Almost looks like a fin now. I dig it.

Next to go was the instrument cluster. It's more intricate than my car's.
Then it was time to give grandma back her bicycle handlebars. I went with clubmans and i love how they turned out. Switched to end mirrors as well.
The rear shocks i replaced with 11" Harley Huggers which lowered the bike 3 inches.
I was also going to replace the exhaust because it sounds like a sewing machine and looked awkward but now, with the drop, they're practically on the ground and i have come to almost like they way they look.
Next i need to figure that seat out. Right now it just screams "I like my women thick."  but here's what we got so far.

Tonight I finished "Sandblasting" the tank and rear fenders and primed them. They're going to be matte black. like a tank. I also still neet to reshape the front fender. That guy is absolutely ridiculous.
As far as the seat, I think i'm going to mock up a leaf spring seat. Looks like it will be pretty easy.

Well, that's all for now folks. I'll keep you posted with it as i go.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

no time like the past? go wash your hands

   Good morning to you all, or whatever time it may be for you. Just waking for breakfast here in Dallas Texas. 500 crunches down along with a cup of the blackest coffee i've ever tried. Pretty sure I just grew my 4th chest hair. Praying the client doesn't make me shave it off.
   Heading to location here in 20 minutes, so thought I'd shoot a post out to all of my 19 friends on here.
   To prepare myself for my trip to Dallas I decided there was nothing I could do more Texas than record the best country song of all time. Rodeo by Garth Brooks. Now, i'm by no means claiming i do the song justice, as i'm no vocalist, but i recon i sure had fun singing it outside of an intoxicated state of karaoke.
   You can check it out here on my  country band's new Myspace. We're called the Joel Sappington Band. And by we i mean it's just me and the little mic on my Macbook :) http://www.myspace.com/joelsappingtonband
In other news, Breakfast has arrived. Sure glad i'm not a female model.

On that note, I leave you with my new Slap band watch. I'm quite fond of it.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

three cheers for _______, HIP HIP HURRAAYYYY!!

   Whats good folks. Its been a short while. Dropped the computer and had to wait for apple to send me a new one. But fear not as it has arrived. They even upgraded me WOOT WOOT!!! 
   Went surfing with my friend Heather this afternoon and as we were leaving the car wouldn't start. Luckily my gut instinct told me to pack a  6 pack of Budweiser which was finished along with my stack of PB&J sandwiches and entire box of saltine crackers. All of which will be a part of my every day surf bag from now on.
    Had an audition for an indie film where I would be a twin, I sure hope they split screen my like the Parent Trap with Lohan. That's pretty much my career goal as an actor. 
    Some of you may remember, I picked up a foosball table a few months back. I AM SOOOO GOOD!!! The only person i can't quite dominate is my flat mate who, luckily for me, likes to play just about every free opportunity we have. He's currently up on me on the win count but i'll come back. I HATE LOSING!!
     Well, that's all for now. Going to bed now to wake up early to catch the decent swell rolling through. Fingers crossed the car doesn't break down again.

Kerry :)

Friday, February 4, 2011


Every once in a rare moon, it's refreshing to wake up to the sound of the alarm on my iphone with sticky note reading "DON'T PRESS SNOOZE!!!!," knowing I have something remotely significant to do this morning. Whether or not an LA models promotional shoot is significant is subjective, I suppose. Either way I'm up. 
   I tried to figure out the auto brew on my coffee pot last night but I woke to an empty pot. 
   Journey's Escape album is spinning Don't stop believing. The cool thing about records, aside from the sweet unique sound and the fact that they're just awesome, is that it forces you to listen to the whole record whereas the MP3 player has turned every artist into a one or two hit wonder. 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Just saying...

   Is there a difference between confidence and arrogance? Can a man be confident realistically without coming off presumptuous? And what if he's the introverted type? What if he's an introverted top 50 model? Does his lack of outgoing charisma or ability to please people automatically make him conceited until he proves otherwise? Can he prove otherwise? How does one go about doing so? Perhaps he's introverted because he's arrogant? Or perhaps he's introverted because he lacks confidence. But then to say he's an arrogant introvert contradicts our thesis, "Confidence and arrogance are one in the same."
   Now if they aren't the same, can a guy then be an assertive introvert who isn't pompous?
   Will we ever stop judging a person by their prequel?

God speed,

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

   Due to lack of time, I had to split up my miles today and run 5 in the AM and another 2 just a few minutes ago. I can't believe I actually ran 7 miles today. I like to say getting into shape is happening so fast because i'm young but these here knees will disagree (i'm currently icing them.)
   20 minutes is what it takes to ice so during which i'm going to walk to through the randomness that i do on my computer.
   First off we check the blogs. My Bookmarks is full of blogs from film, sports to random hobbies. Some of my favorites are Dlisted.com, theplaylistDeadline and my favorite place to shop steepandcheap.
   Now that all those are said and done, I'm going to let you in on a little secret hiding place of mine. Tranquility <-- All it takes is a pair of noise canceling headphones and you're back in mexico on the beach getting that 5 star massage. Your mind is running a million mph alone on a run with nothing to do but ponder, dream and aspire. Only this time you won't have to ice or stretch after. It is that thing that is more precious than any metal or rock. It's happiness from a 25 cent gum ball machine...


May your dreams be sweet and the day that follows be blessed.

                   I must stretch now :/


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Tickle me Elmo

   I ran 8 miles today!!!! It's getting to the point where I almost actually enjoy running... I say almost because i'm sitting here icing me knees as I write this.
   I'm not always a real people person. I really enjoy my alone time every now and then and lately this seems to be the only place I can really get away from everything. That's what's so great about LA in comparison to NY. I like the Apple in small doses. What it has going is that there's ALWAYS something to do. Whether it's one of the million dive bars in the village, bowling, or even just walking around (there's NO better place to people watch than Union Sq.) But sometimes that's the problem. There's always something to do and never nothing to do. It lacks the awesomeness that is tranquillity.
   That's where LA comes in. It literally has it all. And let's not forget the weather? I mean it's absolutely fantastic about 360 days a year. And don't give me that bull crap about how much you prefer season changes because, like your common empire state squabble about how you can get nature upstate, you can also get it east of LA.
    My 20 minutes are up. Time to put the ice away and sleep.


when i grow up?

   There's just something about working long hard hours towards a personal goal that, even though you hate it at the time, makes you smile at the end of the day. It makes cold beer taste better and even helps you get over the fact that your flat mate used up all the toilet paper and stuck a nasty Smirnoff Ice in the cupboard with the refills along with the note "YOU GOT ICED" as you drop to a knee.
   My dream, unfortunately, doesn't require those long hard hours so instead I fill my time with random hobbies such as converting old road bikes into wicked fixies, learning to play guitar, training for a marathon, fixing the nasty slice that seems to be glued to my driver, writing a script, memorizing sides, and training my dog. All whilst breaking yet another iPhone < That's probably my forte. 
   Things i'd like to add to that list;
- I wish i went camping more often. The outdoors is more of my element.
- I want to learn to cook.
- I wish I attended more concerts.
- I want to slow dance with Taylor Swift at a dive bar?

Any how, I'm off to bed. 

But first...

Prayer Request;
   My little brother is on the verge of accepting Jesus into his life. I'm very VERY excited to hear this as it's something I've been praying for for a while now. His name's Brandon and he's 16 years old. It would mean a lot to me. 

Thanks friends,


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

the wheels on the bus go 'round and 'round

   I previously mentioned on my Twitter that I have accepted the challenge of running 30 miles in 30 days which doesn't seem like much to the avid runner, but an avid runner I am not.
   It's day 7 and I'm at 12 miles. I skipped a day due to a hangover but I'm back on track and will now be jumping up from two mile runs to 4 miles to completely shatter that 30 mile goal.
   I already ran with Jackson this am on the 2 mile route so i'm leaving him at home this time 'round. His paws don't seem to be holding up on the cement as well as he wishes.
   4 miles (which makes 6 for the day) here I come and without music mind you. Ipod's dead :/

Zoom zoom

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

can't sleep

"And we'll all laugh at gilded butterflies"
   Those of you that were able to stay awake in lit. know it's Shakespeare.
   Some of you know this as Megan Fox's shoulder tattoo.

 I can't seem to get around the irony of Megan Fox laughing at fake appearances.
   I suppose maybe she got that before all the surgeries?


Falling asleep is soo much better than going to bed - John Mayer

Monday, January 17, 2011

There's nothing like Oregon Tap water... mmmmm :)

   Every morning i wake up to a fresh cup of RED coffee from Starbucks and turn on my iPhone to check emails and listen to voicemails from belligerent drunk compadres only to begin wondering what the heck people did before technology...
   Yesterday I ventured down to the beach to meet up with some friends but forgot my cell in the truck. Realizing i had already walked too far to go back (i'm lazy like that) i began trying to look for them around the certain lifeguard tower they said they'd be at. Them being nowhere in sight I spent the next 20 minutes soaking my feet in the Ocean in the event they went to grab food real quick. They never came back so i walked back to my truck to a text telling me that they decided to set camp two lifeguard towers north... 
   I'm actually boggled by the thought of people not having cell phones. Much respect for you old folk out there.
   Perhaps this thought is one to lead me on a mission trip to a place less fortunate. I'm afraid I'm beginning take all these suhweet luxuries for granted.

Prayer request;
   My friend Geoff is in the hospital with acute pancreatitis. Being newly married, let's pray for both that he would be healed and that his wife would be comforted. Send him love on Twitter @GeoffTalbot


Saturday, January 15, 2011


   First off let me say that going to live shows is hit or miss, more likely to miss, when it comes to unknown bands. Of the three that performed last night... The opening act was decent, Baily's band. The next group was terrible. I don't even remember their name but then comes our friend Elija with his band Marathona. Just fantastic. I recorded their song Scars with my Flip (this thing is amazing btw. The mic picked up most of the sound pretty clean, aaand its its in HD!! Oh did i mention it fits in the little pocket of my Fruit of the Loom pocket tee:)

here's the link to not only the video but also my new Youtube account:

Friday, January 14, 2011

we invest so much time knowing we can't earn it back.

   welcome to my blog. For those of you that jumped on the YouTube following are probably thinking this is just another hobby that i'll get bored with and erase. My money's with you on that one. But, enjoy the time in between. Perhaps i'll last longer than three posts this time.

Topic of the day: Stephanie Germanotta 
    I came across this name on Youtube and i have, officially, been convinced that she is actually talented behind all the bullshit they call Lady Gaga. She reminds me a lot of Norah Jones. I should like to hear her play again as a real person, aka Stephanie Germanotta. 

    Meanwhile, watch out for a band called Marathona. They're insane. im going to their show this evening actually. They're EP drops in Feb. I might be that guy who makes the first fan page. im not sure yet. I suppose tonight will be the deciding factor. I wonder if he'll sign my boobs?

Enjoy your evenings
